The laboratory mantain a BL2 security level room for tissue culture with an air filtered system. It is composed of two laminar flow hoods, inverted microscope, refrigerated table top centrifuges, Amaxa electroporator two CO2 incubators and one BOD incubator.
An external room contains minor equipment for biochemical and molecular biology experiments, with PCR machines, microcentrifugres, eletrophoresis system, incubators, shakers, liquid nitrogen and -80C storage facilities.
Is available one fluuorescent microscope (Olympus BX61) equiped with a Cell^M illumination system and an automated stage for Z-acquisition coupled to a 3D deconvolution station (Autoquant 2).
The following equipment can be used and shared: HPLC Akta Purifier, Sorvall R6C Centrifuge, Beckman Optima 100X centrifuges with SW, horizontal e fixed angle rotors), Odissey C imaging system, a Phosphorimage Thypon 9200, Molecular Device plate reader M3, Accury C6 flow cytometer, Freeze drying apparaturs, Shakers for microorganisms growth (10L).
Contact our technician, Claudio Rogério Oliveira for more information and request to use the sharable equipment.